All the amazing changes begin with tracking the three conditions of the brain that we all possess in different proportions. The three conditions are:
complaining, surviving and thriving.
Or you can say that this is a downward spiral.
If we are in the condition of “complaining”, everything seems dark to us and we blame everyone. We are in a passive state.
Like a leaf in a gust of wind, we can do nothing about it. Wherever the wind of politics, the wind of Samsara, the wind of our previous decisions carries us, there we move.
It’s really hard to do something constructive with our lives in this condition. We only soak in more of the negative. We put more shit in a backpack on our shoulders. And this shit drags us down deeper and deeper and deeper.
Before you can start to grow and go up you need to stop your gravitation acceleration downfall. And for the sake of that, you need to stabilize your situation.
Right after you stop the downfall, the next brain condition is surviving. It is when people can barely make ends meet. They live from paycheque to paycheque and they work three jobs.
To be honest, you can blame me on something, but I’ve been through all of these conditions.
I lived at the railway station.
For many years I had no money.
I worked for 24 hours.
Even in my Feng Shui business I had a period when I was working for 7 years without weekends and vacations.
And I had a period when I didn’t leave my computer for 21 days in a row. Maybe I had 3 or 4 hours of sleep. It was a non-stop marathon for 21 days.
So I know what I am talking about.
It was a period when I was working throughout the whole day.
➔ I was driving at night
➔ I was working throughout the day
➔ And then I was driving at night again
➔ And again I was working the whole day
Maybe there were periods of a short sleep in the night somewhere on a roadside or at the gas station.
I wasn’t born in a senator’s family.
I wasn’t born in an oligarch family.
I know for sure what I am talking about.
I’ve been through a lot and I share my experience on how to get out of it.
So the second condition is surviving.
But the thing is that we can change it and shift to the condition of thriving.
For that you have to radiate another type of energy.
This energy emits because of you repairing your mental state and due to you surrounding yourself with different people who possess another type of energy. The ones that don’t poke a single hole in your self-esteem. And the ones that support you in your beginnings.
We are supported by Feng Shui, the space we are living in.
It is important to surround yourself with the right energy.
Because in certain places you can be at the bottom, both the emotional and the energy one.
In different places you are on top.
You are the King of the Mountain.
You are the King of Beasts.
That’s why, for the first step of a change that will make your 2020 and following years fantastic to happen, you need to fix the holes in your mindset.
When your state of mind is like a sieve, Feng Shui techniques and super-fancy business models won’t work for you.
It all will merge.
The three conditions of brain tracking technique will not give you an instant result but in several weeks you can definitely feel an energy increase.