In the heart of Bazi (Four Destiny Pillars) lies 10 Gods.
In essence, they reflect the relations between the Day Master
(Day Pillar of the Heavenly Stem) and the other elements found in the Bazi chart.

The number 10 implies that five elements
(water, metal, fire, wood, and earth)
were divided into Yin and Yang polarity,
hence we get the number 10.

Some say that if one grasps the essence of 10 Gods,
he or she would never have to think about money
or other material goods.

It does not mean that
one will start making more money working
as a consultant in the field of Metaphysics
(although, in some cases, that is the case). 😉
Nevertheless, there is another explanation –
by knowing 10 Gods we can control the strings of our destiny.

Refer to the picture below if you want to memorize all of them:

Additionally, you can find the “10 Gods” table in the web app – – in the Bazi section (free of charge).
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