Wealth and Luck without Feng Shui

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“People make decent money and live good lives without applying Feng Shui or Date Selection.”

The argument that I heard lots of times.
Of course, there is truth in it, and, sometimes,
Feng Shui seems to be merely a profit-making tool.

Surely Feng Shui helps people to make more profit 😉
however, what if Feng Shui is just a scheme invented
by cunning Chinese to earn money out of nothing?

What if Feng Shui is just a means to help “bad people”
find money in the house faster and more efficiently?
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Finding the Perfect Tense to Make a Wish

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Have you ever wondered whether wishes should be made in the Present, Future, or Past Tense?

Imagine you want to buy an apartment.
You are about to share this news with the world –
you take the pen and start writing a letter to Santa.
You have three options to formulate your wish, which one would you choose?

Option 1. In the year 2024, I am a proud owner of the apartment.
Option 2. In the year 2024, I will buy an apartment.
Option 3. In January 2024, I bought an apartment.

Well, it is not an easy task to figure it all out, therefore, I hope this article will help you to find The Right Answer.
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City, Where I Have Met Myself

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This time the story unfolds in Singapore. I spent several days there, and I want to share with you a few insights that I found interesting.

On my first day in Singapore,
I indulged in my favorite activity –
strolling across the streets without a map or any purpose.
Diving and surfing across the unknown land, so to speak.
My observations and thoughts evoked by that day could have made up a separate article.
For instance, I would love to share my experience of playing casinos,
and probably, I will share it one day.
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The Story of a Bottle and a Cup or Four Types of Capacity

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Today’s story is about… bottle and a cup.
The topic may sound a little bit odd,
and a general idea may not be that obvious.
Nevertheless, it all relates to financial capacity.

For instance, imagine your financial capacity takes the form of a cup (1).

It does not matter how much water or other liquids you have…
even if you have 10 times more water than one cup can hold.
The cup will not be able to hold it all – the excessive amount will pour out.
The same relates to income or turnover.

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How to Keep Temperature Balanced

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The story unfolds in Phoenix, Arizona, in one of the hottest places on Earth.

Despite many wonders of this place,
it holds a special interest for me as an Ancient Chinese
Metaphysical Arts practitioner – it opens an opportunity
to verify one of the principles of this art.

If your chart is cold,
it means that you were born in winter (in December or January).
That is why you may need lots of heat
speaking in terms of regulating elements.
Especially it concerns people born after sunset.

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Seeing the world within the framework of ‘Yin and Yang’

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Recently we ran a poll to find out whether sounds can be divided into ‘Yin and Yang.’
As result, the majority decided that vowels are Yin and consonants are Yang.
Would you agree with these results?

So, in this article, I am going to share my thoughts on it,
as well as explore some other topics, including the concept of the ‘Yin and Yang’ mindset.

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