There is a triangle of success where:
A. is environment (including Feng Shui)
B. is psychology (including way of thinking)
C. is technique (for instance, a system generating money: business, carrier… modus operandi — action)
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When I look at the maps of the cities I used to visit; I realize that the location of posh districts and quarters were not chosen by accident.
Why do you think Bill Gates, a devoted Feng Shui fan, has chosen to build his house in Medina, on the bank of Lake Washington? Was it because it takes 15 minutes to get from his front door to Microsoft headquarters by car? Or because of the wonderful scenery?
“I don’t have to believe in Feng Shui; using it helps me to make money”
– these are words of Donald Trump, whose fortune amounts to an estimated $4.5 billion.
“As a businessman, I am not that stupid to ignore this 5000-years old art,” he is reported to have said in an interview.
By the way, during his speech in Moscow, Jack Canfield, a millionaire and one of the creators of “The Secret” film, said that he consults his Feng Shui master every year :).
So, skeptics should consider whether or not their opinions might be costing them money.
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Few people think more than two or three times a year; I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week.
George Bernard Shaw
Why do most people not need mental models?
They do not think. And I am serious.
Brain is the most energy-consuming organ,
which a person tries to switch off in any possible way.
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There is something holy and sterile in this.
It feels like “a Komsomol member, a sportsman, an activist” like in the famous Soviet-time movie.
After this, the boat turns over, and extreme Yang becomes an extreme Yin,
and it feels nasty.
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A fly has flown to a blooming orchard.
There are trees, and flowers and grass (just grass, don’t think of any white monkey :))
While flying over all this, a fly is looking for shit.
And finds it, of course.
As her so-called cognitive processes are adjusted to detect it.
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We should understand how authentic Feng Shui, learned through personal contact and transfer of knowledge from masters of Southeast Asia, differs from the Feng Shui we have.
Practitioners of Feng Shui do not write the majority of books. Journalists who read some Internet articles, do some rewriting and turn out books as if on a production line are the ones who write them.
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Attention (!) Below is my SUBJECTIVE (=manly) view on a question “Feng Shui is a female occupation?” I do not assume, by any means, to be the ultimate authority. I sincerely welcome your comments and feedback.
Whatever we say about “equal rights,” in the western society (including Post-Soviet) there is male chauvinism.
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Often I am asked how it is possible to choose a favorable day, but the person, in reality, had an unsuccessful day. For example, a broken contract, or the person was injured while training.
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Why do the chosen “monetary” dates not always work as it would be desirable?
There is a variety of reasons for that.
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