“New Book Is All About
This Is What You Get:
This is completely different from everything you have read before because it is more like a practical guide than a traditional book.
I have always believed that the essence of a 150-page book can fit into 15 pages. However, it will be extremely “squeezed.”
“GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS” contains 48 pages of methods aimed to enhance oneself and one’s own approach to the implementation of their dreams. You will find the essence and the necessary charts for the calculations here; there is no “water.”
This is what I apply for my clients and myself and what I teach my students.
You MUST NOT Miss It:
How to calculate the index of the feasibility of the goal: Before you spend a year or two, waste money and leave disappointed, it’s better to invest an hour thinking about whether the project is worth implementing. (P. 8)
How to synchronize with the Universe: There is a time when, despite the hard work and skills, a person feels that the Universe has turned away from them… Like the Wi-Fi connection has been lost… and the password and login to the universal network are forgotten. (P. 20)
How to get insights: If you do not come up with the answers to the questions on how to solve the situation and reach the goal within two hours, it usually means that you have cyclical thinking. Luckily, in this case, you can use Chinese metaphysics. (P. 27)
How to become a world champion in achieving goals: There is a secret hidden in it. No words are enough to describe how much I love this method. (P. 30)
The secret is ATTENTION…
Imagine a camera lens. You can set a lens on the goal or dream. However, if something is wrong with the focus, the goal or dream will be blurred. Therefore, you will not get what you want. Would you like to know how to focus correctly? (P. 30)
Successful people use tricks to gain luck. By this, I mean metaphysical principles on how to increase success in 2019. This is not obtainable by most people, like almost every genius thing. (P. 35)
Perhaps I will leave behind the scenes the mechanics described in the book: mindset techniques and techniques of Chinese metaphysics.
However, you will not find a single page in this book without either a method or a technique on it.
Everybody Knows:
You have to work hard in order to become rich, right?
Not really!
I broke this stereotype.
Once upon a time, I worked hard. I did all the work myself. Now, I do not work 24/7 to gain higher results.
This is because the sphere of influence we possess is much greater than we could ever imagine.
There is also a huge sphere that is beyond our influence. Therefore, there is no direct link between the amount of work you do and the amount of money you get.
The secret is simple…
We must convince the Universe to make a step towards us.
Decide to make some sort of a contract with the Universe.
Here, you will find a two-step formula on how to achieve it. Read the book and do not hesitate to use each of the instructions throughout the 2019 year. (P. 9)
But that’s not the end.
A System of How to Go From Point A to Point B
In the book GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS, you will learn how this system works. Moreover, you’ll learn how to start moving towards your goal IMMEDIATELY.
There are five gradual steps that describe WHAT YOU SHOULD DO AND WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO in order to avoid bumps on the road.
GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS is not simply fascinating reading, although it could be.
This is a guide to action.
This is a magic kick in the butt.
This is whatever you want.
This is a mix of mindset techniques, techniques to work with space and self-improvement.
Are you ready to invest your attention and start working on goals in a way you have not done before?
Before we continue, there is a disclaimer for your attention:
- In my system of values, everything starts with a person’s mental attitude. However, if you think that the mentality work is “water” or bullsh*t, all that philosophy and sermons, and if you believe that it is enough to put a candle in a particular place
so money and opportunities will begin to fall from the sky, then do not waste your time. We are at different frequencies.
- Chinese metaphysics includes two parts: semantic and technical. One does not function without the other.
- If you play on the resource side – read books, purchase courses and so on – in order to accumulate knowledge, but choose not to apply them, I would not recommend doing so! Otherwise, in December 2019 you might look back to discover that nothing has changed.
The information that you learn must be supported by action. This process is essential.
How to get the book GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS
The first 10 pages contain concentrated training, which I have been selling for $100.
However, the book’s cost is symbolic…
The book costs only $27 with immediate delivery.
You might wonder why the price is only $27.
This is an eBook. We do not have to cover the costs of printing services and shipping.
One of the benefits is that you can start reading the book in a few minutes.
The choice is yours.
There is also another reason.
If you like it, the book will become an excellent start – a guide for the whole year. In this case, I look forward to our further cooperation!
In addition, I do have some amazing products and services that will be useful to you.
The Boldest Guarantee In The World
I 100% Guarantee you’ll love this book or I’ll return your $27 let you keep the book anyway.
Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I’ll give you back your $27 with no questions asked.
How’s that for fair?
This Is Truly A Limited Offer So Claim Your Copy
Now Before They’re All Gone
The new book GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS comes as the result of:
- 20 years of practicing Bazi, Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia, date selection, I-Jing.
- 120 courses of teaching Chinese metaphysics and transforming the lives of others.
- The experience of teaching 6,000 students from all around the world who have radically changed their lives, and many of them decided to become consultants.
- 200,000 dollars invested in business training and up to now I continue to be a member of Western business clubs.
- Thousands of dollars invested in personal learning of Chinese metaphysics.

Thank you for paying attention and reading this long letter!
Vladimir Zakharov
P.S.: If you are one of those people who read the text to the very end, then here is a brief sentence:
GPS of ACHIEVEMENTS is a practical guide for the year 2019 on how to reach your goals with an understanding of causes and effects and bring them into the orbit of success using a metaphysical component.
The book costs only $27.
You get an electronic 48-page book without “water,” only the techniques and methods.
How to synchronize with the universal Wi-Fi of Luck, so that you will never have the discouraging feeling that Heaven is not on your side.
Five gradual steps on how to reach goals that will guide on what you should do and what you should not do to avoid bumps in the road.
A notebook and a pencil are the only weapons on the way to our goals – you will learn how to get insights!
Buckle up! There are ways to increase the speed of achieving your goals and dreams with the help of Chinese metaphysics techniques.
Question or interrogation: A question eliminates unnecessary ballast, while interrogation loads a suitcase without a handle. It is related to the art of asking the right questions.
In the book, I describe several Chinese metaphysics techniques. One of them is “Contract with the Universe,” on how to work with what is out of our control.
These are very brief bullet points for those who makes decisions quickly.
This is a special price and a very limited offer (!)
(I am conducting a marketing test)
Click here to get your copy of the book>>
About The Author
Vladimir Zakharov
Vladimir Zakharov is a Feng Shui expert with 20 years’ experience, Doctor of Chinese Metaphysical Arts, and Dean of the Faculty of Metaphysics of the European Institute for Interdisciplinary Research and Education (Germany).
He is a licensed instructor of the Academy of Chinese Metaphysics Mastery (founder master Joey Yap, Malaysia), and the author of courses on Bazi, Feng Shui, and I-Jing.
Vladimir Zakharov gained his knowledge from internationally recognized Feng Shui masters in Singapore and Malaysia. He has a Feng Shui Mastery Diploma and Bazi Mastery Diploma (distinction).
More about the author in an interview with Joey Yap
DISCLAIMER: The information stated above based on my experience. Please understand these results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of practicing Chinese Metaphysical Arts for 20 years and have an established following as a result. The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business and personal matters entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS BOOK.