Even though none can travel into the future to see what is about to happen, there is a way to catch a glimpse of future events. Metaphysics can help you with that 😉

Would you like to know how? Join our Monthly Luck Booster Club — free of charge. Just leave an email below and subscribe to future events!

Would you like to know what awaits you or your loved ones this month or the next one? If yes, consider joining Monthly Luck Booster Club.

Volodymyr Zakharov | J. Finastro

In the first days of the month, we make forecasts based on the month’s energies and then share them with you. Short, yet informative predictions include current tendencies, perspectives, and the best month’s strategies. As a bonus, you also get a free meditation for subscribing to the Monthly Luck Booster Club.

Predictions Are Based on the Month Chart And Your Personal Birth Chart

What We Offer

  • A better picture of what is happening on the energy level this month so that you can have some certainty about the future.
  • Things you should pay attention to.
  • How to get the most out of this month’s potential to meet goals with less effort.
  • Paths that are open for you this month.
  • Things you should be aware of to stay out of trouble.

Leave your email in the form below and get forecasts for the month

(August is the first month)

By subscribing to the Monthly Luck Booster Club, you also receive a meditation as a bonus.

The meditation helps you combine the knowledge you already have with the knowledge you want to get, unlocking deeper insights. Hence, you can easily extract any information you need.

Join now to access valuable information!

What You Get

  1. A simple guide to plot the Qi Men chart and determine Destiny Palace;
  2. Predictions based on the month’s energies and the Bazi month chart;
  3. Predictions for the current month for eight Destiny Palaces of the Qi Men chart; you can easily determine personal Destiny Palace and these of your loved ones by following the instructions so that you know what to expect this month.
  4. Meditation as a bonus.

Take a look at what awaits you and your loved ones to make life better.

Things You Discover

  • Trends, tendencies, and prospects for the current month. Gain a comprehensive understanding of what is happening this month according to the Bazi chart.
  • A personal forecast based on your Destiny Palace, which provide clarity on where to focus your attention and how to act effectively to gain support from the environment and achieve your goals at an incredible pace.
  • Discover the best success strategies for the current month to maximize benefits with minimal effort put into reaching your goals.

The list is yet to be completed…

Leave our email right now and get access to the information describing what can be done easily and what may take more effort than usual according to this month’s energies

If you want to contact us or to apply for a consultation, use the information below:


E-Mail (please email for any technical issues)


About the Author

J.Finastro, alias Volodymyr Zakharov, is an expert in the field of Metaphysical arts, who has more than 24 years of experience in teaching the ancient Chinese Metaphysical arts and providing consultations on the same topic. He also consults on business-related matters.

  • J.Finastro holds a Ph.D. degree in Metaphysical Arts, he is also a Dean of the Faculty of Metaphysics of the European Institute of natural sciences and Distance Learning, located in Germany (R&E Inst.)
  • 333+ original courses developed.
  • 164 offline and over 170 online trainings conducted.
  • 12,000 students from more than 83 countries.
  • $200,000 invested in business training.
  • 500 000$ invested in learning Chinese Metaphysical arts.
  • Development of the SHEM.Astro method (Spirit, Heaven, Earth, Man, and Astro components unified), which is a synthesis of mental techniques, business models, and Chinese Metaphysical techniques for achieving goals effectively.

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DISCLAIMER: The information stated is based on J.Finastro’s expertise. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that you will achieve the desired results, or earn money by using our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. Please, be aware that the main purposes of our products and services are to educate and inform. The content of this page, or any other website, including our curriculum, should not be interpreted as a guarantee of future earnings. We do not provide any legal, medical, tax, or any other professional advice. You are solely responsible for your decisions, actions, and results achieved in life. By purchasing this product, you agree not to hold us liable for your own decisions, actions, or results, at any time and under any circumstance. If you do not agree with this statement, consider whether it is worth buying any of our products or services.