Five Deities

By 23.08.2024 August 26th, 2024 Uncategorized

Five Deities is a vital part of Bazi chart interpretation. However, what are they? Can we draw parallels between these “Deities” and the real world? Finally, should we relate them to our lives?
Well, let us find that out!

Each of the Five Deities represents a specific concept,
hence you can use the word “concept” to substitute the word “deities” if you want.
So, here we have five of them:
Friends, Self-Expression, Wealth, Power, and Resources.

The first one is Friends.
These are colleagues, rivals, classmates, etc.
In other words, people around us.

The second one is Self-Expression.
In a woman’s chart, it means children;
but, in a man’s chart, it denotes a mother-in-law
(be cautious, so as not to confuse children with a mother-in-law)😏.
At the same time, Self-expression also implies products of intellectual work –
something that we produce ourselves and is the result of our creative work.

The third one is Wealth (or Money).
In a man’s chart, it refers to a woman.
However, in both charts (female and male),
this concept also means movable and immovable property.

The fourth one is Power.
In a woman’s chart, those are men.
In a man’s chart – children.
In both charts, Power is a supervisor –
a person who holds a superior position to yours.

The fifth one is Resources.
Resources include mother, religion, and education –
something that fuels our souls.

Suppose you have already received your copy of the monthly forecast as a part of Luck Booster Club. In that case, you may find this knowledge especially useful, since the Five Deities are mentioned there.

If you want to apply the knowledge of the Five Deities, you may need the Five Element theory. The theory itself represents the generation cycle and control circle of five elements – Wood, Water, Metal, Earth, and Fire. Additionally, I would recommend learning more about Destiny Pillars, which can be found in the Bazi tab of the finastro web app. If you know little to nothing about the subject, refer to the following article.

Five Elements and the Day Master

So, why would we need the Five Elements theory
if the topic is related to the Five Deities?
Well, fair question.
You can only apply the knowledge of the Five Deities
if you know the strength of the Day Master.
That is when the theory of the Five Elements comes into play.

Let us consider the following example.
For instance, the Day Master is Wood.
As we mentioned before,
Wealth is something that a person can control.
Consequently, if Wood controls the Earth,
then Wealth is represented by Earth
(taking into account that Day Master is Wood).
Accordingly, what element controls Wood?
In the control cycle, Wood is controlled by the Metal,
therefore Metal element is associated with Power.
Wood is friends with its element — Wood;
and it also generates Fire,
which is Self-Expression. It feeds on Water.
Consequently, Water is Resources:

Therefore, after determining the strength of the Day Master,
we may conclude what “concepts” would benefit a person.
If the Day Master is strong,
we recommend relying on Wealth, Power, and Self-Expression.
These Deities are beneficial for this person,
while Friends and Resources are not.
If the Day Master is weak, we have the reverse situation.

If a person should rely on Resources,
it is better to adhere to the principle “measure twice, cut once.”
If a person needs Self-Expression –
act fast rather than wasting time on careful planning.
In other words, sometimes it is better to make a mistake than do nothing at all.

Ten Gods

Further, we analyze 10 Gods,
which can be found in the Bazi chart.
Why would I mention them?
You should not mistake them for Five Deities.
These can be found in the Bazi chart,
and represent specific aspects of a person’s life.
For instance, you may notice that there are two types of Wealth here – Direct and Indirect:

In turn, Direct Wealth represents fixed pay or fixed salary.
The fixed portion of the money that you earn each month or each interval.
On the contrary,
Indirect Wealth represents income that varies each month or interval.
For instance, you make $10,000 this month,
and about $100 the following month – expenses exceed the income.
But the next month you got a big contract,
and earned enough money to cover all the expenses.

P.S. I hope I have provided some clarity for you! But if you have questions – leave a comment below ✍️

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