Destiny vs. Free Will: Can We Rewrite Our Own Story?

Many individuals are drawn to the study of metaphysics with the desire to understand the concept of destiny and to explore whether it can be altered. To delve into this subject, it is essential to first define what destiny might be.

From my perspective, there are four possible interpretations of destiny.

  1. The first interpretation aligns with the concept of determinism.
    According to this view,
    everything in life is predetermined.
    This means that every decision we make,
    including my decision to write this article and
    your choice to read it instead of engaging
    in another activity, is predetermined.
    Nothing can change this universal order,
    which some might describe as fate or bad luck.
    If you support this belief,
    then the notion of altering destiny is futile,
    as everything – including your birth, education,
    career, family, and even the age at which you retire –
    has already been determined.
    In other words, nothing can be changed.
  2. The second perspective directly opposes the first,
    asserting that humans possess free will,
    meaning that nothing is predetermined.
    For example, an individual has the freedom
    to choose whether to go to a bar,
    read an article (perhaps even this one),
    or practice yoga in the early morning.
    In this view, the person is entirely autonomous
    in their decisions. If you hold this belief,
    the discussion on altering destiny becomes irrelevant,
    as there is no predetermined path to change.
  3. The third interpretation challenges
    both of the previous perspectives by suggesting
    that neither destiny nor free will truly exist.
    In this view, life is governed by pure chance.
    Events in a person’s life occur randomly
    as if someone were rolling the dice of fate,
    leaving individuals like autumn leaves
    blown about by the wind or by random
    energy configurations.
    If this perspective resonates with you,
    then the exploration of astrology
    or metaphysics offers little value,
    as there is nothing left to influence or control.
  4. Finally, the fourth perspective presents
    a more nuanced view, combining elements
    of determinism and free will.
    According to this interpretation,
    certain significant events in life are
    beyond an individual’s control –
    these are fixed points in one’s life.
    However, there are also periods between
    these events where a person is free
    to make decisions according to their own judgment.
    From this standpoint, the concept of destiny and
    the possibility of influencing it becomes
    a topic worth exploring.
    This perspective suggests that life is a series
    of intersections or choices,
    and that signs or guidance can
    help individuals navigate these
    choices effectively.
    While one might misinterpret these signs
    and become lost, there is also the potential
    to find a shorter, more fulfilling path.

The most intriguing aspect of this view
is the possibility that these fixed points
in life can be altered.

I believe that every individual has
the capacity to change certain predetermined
aspects of their life.
However, astrology alone cannot achieve this;
it merely helps to predict certain events.
When a person knows that something significant
is about to happen,
they can take the appropriate measures
to mitigate or even prevent the event.
This is where Metaphysics becomes valuable,
as it offers insights into what is likely to occur
and what actions can be taken to lessen the impact
or avert the event entirely.
In essence, metaphysics provides the tools
to change what we commonly refer to as destiny
much like responding to a problem that knocks on an empty room.

What do we use for this?

We can examine the events by
analyzing the Bazi chart (Four Destiny Pillars) –
which, broadly speaking, is ancient Chinese astrology.
Strategies for action can be obtained,
for example, through Qi Men Dun Jia
the art of war that is highly favored by
businesspeople in Malaysia and Singapore.
Alternatively, we can utilize the theory of the Five Elements
and the Regulating Deities in Bazi.

When a person acts in a certain way in a specific situation,
it is highly likely that they will act similarly
in an analogous situation,
and the outcome of such an action can be predicted.
There is an astrological birth chart composed of
various symbols, planets, stars, and the five elements.
This chart functions as a mechanism.
In addition to this mechanism,
there are habits, and there is also the external environment.
A person may live in a warm or cold climate;
therefore, if the chart is cold, for example,
if the person is born in winter,
they will need fire as a Regulating Deity.

On the Feng Shui level,
this can be adjusted by the main entrance:
it may be a northern or southern entrance,
which is of significant importance.
In Birth charts, one can also see the road ahead,
the route to be taken,
and the best way to reach a specific destination.
But naturally, one must first answer the question:
where do you want to go?

Because if a person does not know where they want to go,
they end up going nowhere.
Besides, it is essential to be prepared to act proactively.
A good astrological system implies not only navigation,
predictions, and a route map but also certain instructions and
strategies for optimally traversing this route.
If one’s intuition is well-developed,
these things are felt instinctively.
Qi Men helps develop intuition
because we channel Qi Men “deities”
(which are archetypes, Qi Men factors)
through our energy channels.
If you practice Qi Men, at some point,
these things begin to integrate into you,
and you become inseparable from this knowledge.

It is not merely an intellectual exercise;
it changes us and naturally helps us
change our destiny, especially
if we make proactive efforts and change our habits.
And since a strong part of this Qi Men art
is the power of intent,
we can make wishes accordingly to change these habits.
Therefore, you decide whether you can rewrite your story or not –
everything depends on your choice.
If you want to try something new –
try out our ready-made product –
Metaphysical Destiny Keys.

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