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The Day Master refers to the first stage of the Bazi chart reading. This is the starting point of personality analysis – zero coordinates relative to which we determine the Bazi Gods. If you want to combine theory with practice, start by plotting the Bazi chart in the web app. Registration is not necessary but is recommended – especially if you want to get useful predictions for your chart.
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Bazi from the Chinese is translated as “eight hieroglyphs.”
Eight is not just a regular number – eight reflects the structure of the Bazi chart.
Each Destiny chart contains four columns or pillars: year, month, day, and hour.
In turn, each pillar contains two hieroglyphs.
Thus, we get the number eight.
What are the chances of having a bad day even though it is supposed to be a good one (according to the Metaphysical Calendar)?
Well, anything is possible, which means you may have a bad day.
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Some days bring auspicious energy in terms of wealth or finance;
however, it does not mean that you will get rich all of a sudden,
it merely means that you have this energy.
The rest – depends on you. 🌞
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Except for the fact that they are both mammals,
they both confront each other in natural and metaphysical worlds.
Tiger and monkey combined, form a pair that causes a clash in Bazi.
Clashes in Bazi, refer to the constellations that are on opposite sides of the ecliptic plane.
By standing opposite each other – they confront each other.
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Imagine the following situation:
You are having an important meeting with the investor,
who is willing to put money into your project.
You thought over all the details,
you polished your presentation,
you prepared your speech thoroughly,
and you practiced your speech several times.
Everything seems perfect! What can possibly go wrong?
On the appointed day,
it turned out that your potential investor was dumped by his girlfriend,
his dog did not feel good, and his business partner said that he is leaving.
In short, your investor is going through a rough period of his life.
Would he be happy to see you?
Most likely no.
What if you appointed the meeting a day or a week earlier?
Quite possibly, it could have changed everything…
Some may say that it is just a matter of luck.
And everything happens for a reason or does not happen, in this case.
They might be right – but none likes to lose.
People enjoy reaching their goals and removing obstacles along the way at the (metaphysical) snap of a finger.
Would not it be great if you could choose the right day and time to make your dreams come true?
If yes – let’s talk about the Metaphysical Calendar.
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Should you rely on your intuition when choosing a house with great energy?
Well, I would not advise solely relying on intuition – logic is no less important.
That is why I suggest combining Mind and Feng Shui.
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Is the planning that necessary?
Each time everything goes terribly wrong…Perhaps, it is worth looking at it the other way:
(!) Plans do not have to happen the way you intended.
(!!) Planning is a way of thinking:
It gives us a framework to shape our thoughts.
It gives us a structure to think about future events.
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“People make decent money and live good lives without applying Feng Shui or Date Selection.”
The argument that I heard lots of times.
Of course, there is truth in it, and, sometimes,
Feng Shui seems to be merely a profit-making tool.
Surely Feng Shui helps people to make more profit 😉
however, what if Feng Shui is just a scheme invented
by cunning Chinese to earn money out of nothing?
What if Feng Shui is just a means to help “bad people”
find money in the house faster and more efficiently?
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