To get something you need
You should give what you possess.
For example, give away jealousy, or high ambitions, or the idea that the whole world owes something to you…
Or give away the set of 100 criteria of a partner…
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Everything has come from emptiness,
Everything will go into emptiness
Every phenomenon has got its own reason
And it’s got the same order as the consequence
20% of reasons are responsible for 80% of consequences
we get from the cash-till into which we put something
You won’t get a cent of personal happiness from the “wealth” cash-till
You won’t get a cent of wealth from the “harmony” cash-till
Money and wealth are in counter-balance
Money and relationships are in counter-balance
What is a classical Feng Shui? it’s knowledge written in ancient Chinese texts, which was passed from the Teacher to the Student and it is passed now the same way. This knowledge is set out in a metaphorical way, it is coded, and if you don’t have a key, you have no chance to understand it.
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Suppose you are marking the house using King Wen’s method…
_____ xu Parents
_____ shen Brothers
_____ wu Officer
_____ chen Parents
_____ yin Wealth
_____ zi Children
You’ve done the marking correctly…
You’ve determined the factors correctly…
You’ve come to the wrong conclusion which factor stands for your question (the most difficult thing in prediction is to find the factor, if you, for instance, ask about children, it’s Brotherhood Star according to 6 Yao Method, it’s not the Children Star, which seems to be evident)
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Everything in metaphysics is hung on one nail …
If you pull it out, everything collapses…
And it will be the last nail driven in the cover of our metaphysical practice coffin ….
The whole system is correct… the building is correct…
The foundation is incorrect… the reference point is incorrect…
Everything is OK with the bow.
Everything is OK with the arrow.
Everything is Ok with the wind.
The problem is with the archer…
Who aims the arrow in the wrong direction….
The problem seems to have a simple solution…
But you should be attentive…
You should be aware…
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Qi Men charts is one of the
most precise methods to read the luck in private life.
While analysing relationships we
look at the following:
– the Door of Birth
– 6 Harmonies Deity
– The place of Ji wood and Geng metal
– The place of the Palace of Life
Ji wood stands for the wife, Geng Metal – for the husband.
If the Open Door is in one of these palaces,
the relationships are under threat…
They are open for the third party to appear…
What is “indirect money” or “indirect wealth”?
These people are excellent risk-managers able to turn any business into gold. They introduce new laws and rules, they are risk-takers. People with the Indirect Wealth Profile consider risks to be challenges which are to be overcome.
Yang Profile
Indirect Wealth Profile means that the person can be pragmatic and determined. Such people are not tired of socializing, on the contrary, we can see them real only in communication. Yang profiles are easy to realize themselves only when they are surrounded by other people. They have got a calculating and pragmatic mind.
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Love is an abstract noun.
Hearing this word some people imagine a bunch of flowers,
some – a night in the hayloft.
There are 4 levels of love:
physical, psychical,
intellectual, transcendental.
Love is like water conditions:
ice, water, steam.
The essence of water is permanent, the forms are different.
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When you are looking for a flat, you should take the following steps:
Look at the neighbourhood.
Look at the house.
Look at the flat.
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