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Flying Bird Falls into Cave

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There are 3 strong formations in Qi Men:

1. Flying Bird Falls into Cave 🐣

2. Green Dragon Returns 🐲

3. The Jade Maiden 💃

The first formation creates possibilities without effort…
It literally falls into hands and becomes a bird…like they say a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
but this formation is for fast people…

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How to succeed? Feng Shui for work and career

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I’ve got a rule:“A ferroconcrete fence is of the highest priority to the marking and traffic signs”…
When you think of your career or build your own business you pursue one goal, which is to increase your welfare. All the steps you take are aimed at getting as many material comforts for yourself and your family as possible.
It is for this reason you should call it like it is – all of us, in the context of this article, want to have more money.
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Feng Shui of the love zone: how to reach harmony in relationships? Part 2

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How to activate relationships with Feng Shui?

“Peach Blossom” symbolic star

If this factor was presented in your Ba-Zi chart, you wouldn’t be interested in the question of relationships. It is this symbolic star which means that the person is attractive to everybody. They are not necessarily the opposite sex. People just like watching you. They like listening to you. It’s an invisible charisma. Something intangible. The person may not understand why they like you, but they do. If this factor is presented in the Ba-Zi chart, especially if there are 2 or 3 of them, then he is especially attractive for the opposite sex. Peach Blossom determines your ability to be liked by others. But it’s up to you to decide how to use it.
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Feng Shui of the love zone: how to reach harmony in relationships? Part 1

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Let’s define love.

What is love for you?

  1. Long walks under the stars, or with the umbrella in the rain, or a dinner in a romantic atmosphere with candles on the terrace on the ocean shore and only after all that there’s two moon junction? 🙂 or … before that? 🙂
  2. Or all this preamble is not necessary, no moon junction …) only sex, a lot of it, passionate and different?

The second variant is closer to you? Then…. I remember one of my friends claimed that the toilet in the centre of the flat is ok. It was ok until somebody started digging in 3 sha close to his place. Then the potential problem became actual. The result: he was caught in a high street at night, naked with 2 streetwalkers.
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Symbols and charms to attract well-being

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Are there any symbols and charms in classical Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is translated as “wind and water” and dates back to the phrase “If  Qi rides the wind, it is scattered; if it is bounded by water, it is held”, taken from the book of burials by Master Gopu. In fact, Feng Shui is an art of placement. Above all, it is a science of placing people in the space, not of placing the figures of Chinese toads on coins, copulating hippos and so on…
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