A belief determining our life

“The cleverest man in the room is not usually the richest man in the room”. Richard Koch, the British multimillionaire, investor, the author of many business books

Nothing personal. I don’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings. Just thinking aloud.

There are bad money habits which make people poor and worthless… 1… 2… 3… …. 101… “money” gurus usually keep silent, they advise to stop doing these: 1… 2… 3… …. 101… and start doing these: a….. b….. c….. ….. and you’ll be happy.

In fact, you WON’T. You will never do a, b, с… and will never stop 1,2,3, …. 101… There is an internal mechanism which will prevent you from doing this… until you hack it… The advice to do 1,2,3 … 101 is as bad as a lecture for an alcoholic about the harmful effect of drinking alcohol. He knows it himself. But there was a distant psychological or physical injury in the childhood… in order to hide it the person drinks, smokes, overeats, smells coke… just tell him it’s bad…

Trash! He goes through it in a different way:

  1. He feels some pain
  2. He drinks (eats a cake, pops himself, etc.)
  3. There’s no more pain.

Your pain – offence, loss, worry about your own poverty and worthlessness – is only a symptom. Branches of the tree. Inside your head there’s a root from which everything grows. A belief determining our life.

Of all beliefs the most dangerous are about yourself. If you consider yourself a stupid worthless individual, no affirmations, Feng Shui or Qi Men will help you become strong, rich, free and independent.

Even if you inherit a fortune, you’ll pour it out in the toilet. Only to regain the status quo of a stupid worthless person. You might have been called stupid by your granny when you were a child. It doesn’t matter that she died 20 years ago. You don’t want to disappoint her. And you return to the description of yourself.

What if you are successful and reached a particular height? Ok. Everybody still has a glass ceiling. An invisible barrier, explaining why your income is X, not 10x or 1000x…

To go above this ceiling you DON’T need to change:

  • Marketing…
  • Management…
  • Staff…
  • Feng Shui…
  • Wife…
  • Dog…
  • The date of firm registration…
  • The wine brand you usually drink…
  • The color of the wallpaper…
  • Affirmation…
  • Change a decorating candle into a rectal one for activations…
  • Stop drinking and start smoking marihuana …

To go above the glass ceiling you need to change beliefs about yourself… Feng Shui is only a catalyst here… The beliefs themselves have a particular STRUCTURE… They are a kind if mechanism… And if it stopped being useful for you … It can be transformed… This way you can reach INDEPENDENCE…. FINANCIAL, in particular…

You may own a fantastic business, but if a high squeaky voice somewhere inside your head tells you that money is evil, you’ll always find a way to separate with your money… If your inner demon  wants to bury your success, no matter what fantastic skills to run your business, auspicious Feng Shui or good dates you choose, this demon will be the last to laugh on the coffin of your financial welfare. Trash in your head doesn’t allow you to live the life you want… This is a limitation, a narrow bottleneck, a weak link. There’s only one way to get rid of this voice in your head and this compulsive behavior towards money.

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