5 Reasons Why Metaphysics is Important

By 01.08.2024 August 7th, 2024 Uncategorized

How about joining the “Monthly Luck Booster Club?”
In this article, you will find some good reasons to join the club!

Qi is energy.
The level of Qi directly influences the level of Luck.
Our bodies, much like our living spaces,
enclose numerous energetic meridians.

In Metaphysics,
there are different tools to influence the level of Qi:

  • Feng Shui;
  • Date Selection;
  • The Art of the Mystical Doors – Qi Men Dun Jia.

Luck is energy, as is misfortune.
It has a cumulative effect.
Metaphysics can be used as a means to manipulate luck.
Even if the world around changes, Metaphysics remains.
Hence, it can be used at any time and, most importantly, it does work.

Those who have been applying the art of Metaphysics,
accumulate a sufficient cushion of energetic security,
thereby improving their Luck.

Do you feel as if luck is off your side?

There is a solution for those who suddenly stumble, and
find themselves trapped in a hopeless mental loop.

What breaks the cycle? An action!
Therefore, simply make a decision and act on it.

If you cannot make a decision, set aside some time, set a timer for 20-30 minutes, take a piece of paper, and write down everything you think about your situation. Clarity will come over time. Next, find the sector with the annual or monthly Flying Star 6 (it helps to complete what has been started). Implement your decision using this sector.

Answering the same question from the perspective of Qi Men.

The inability to make a decision may be connected to Grappling Hook Deity, which signifies attachment –
when a person clings to an idea and cannot let it go.

(The Qi Men chart is constructed using the web app at finastro.io)

Judging by the chart above, the Grappling Hook is in the western Palace. The west is controlled by the southern Palace, where the Great Yin Deity, representing clarity, resides. It is associated with education. The Assistant Star is also linked to education. The Scenery Door deals with any sort of presentation (presenting oneself or an idea). In any case, the person for whom the chart was plotted needs more clarity.

The solution is to explore the subject by yourself.
The person can buy a few good books on the topic.
Or discuss the issue with a consultant or coach.
Find someone who can provide recommendations or explain the essence of the problem.

The main goal is clarity.

If you try to find the answer yourself,
there is a high risk of making a mistake.
Metaphysics is a catalyst.
A guide to the world of achievements.

If you want precise coordinates,
join the “Monthly Luck Booster Club
to use simple tools to improve luck.

Once a month, we share forecasts based on the month’s energies. Short, yet informative predictions include current tendencies, perspectives, and the best month’s strategies. Use the recommendations to make the most of the month. As a bonus, you also get a free meditation.

Why should you try Metaphysics?

  1. Luck has a cumulative effect. To win the battle of life, it is important to raise your personal energy level and that of your living space.
  2. Environment influences. By practicing Metaphysics, we develop intuitive synchrony with this subtle art.
  3. The ultimate goal is clarity. The result is achieved through a mix of deep mental techniques and the tools of Metaphysics.
  4. Those who act achieve results. We use energetically strong points in space and time, creating an energy surge for actions to unfold in the best possible way.
  5. Metaphysics is an accelerator. Moving without Metaphysics is like trying to find an exit in an unfamiliar house with the lights off. Metaphysics helps find the exit from the house.

When there is no map, movements forward bring no results. Everyone seeking the way out is invited to join the Club!

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