how to enter the “zone” state when time stops… you feel almost a god… you may be in this state for hours without feeling tired doing the job you really like…
it’s also about how to find the shortest way to your purpose…
(In fact, there are 2 ways: to work a lot and to work intellectually 🙂 )…

By the way, “peak performance” in my picture of the world is absolutely different from
- a) “successful success” … (wow, we’re f**kingly successful! but nobody notices it)
- b) “motivation speakers” (see George Carlin’s video on motivation 🙂
watch out! rude English words!
- c) “personal growth”: where do they grow and how to measure it?
What’s the difference?
My “peak performance” can be measured!
Nobody will question world champion’s achievements!
I’ll tell about it later…
People often speak about a “great purpose”…
for instance, I’ve come to 1 million dollars and here’s my way…
but a) judging by letters, most people don’t get this million and want to f**k it,
especially English-speaking audience…
“give us something more tangible, how to get a pay rise…”
and there’s no point telling them it’s superficial and doesn’t drive me…
everybody has their own criterion of happiness..
it’s often small… and it’s OK
You know, there are such people as motivation speakers.
A lot of noise, jumps and calls for “setting big goals”…
Have you read about my mistake above?
Great goals a) 99% are not interesting…
and what is worse b) they are too GREAT…
Set a goal to lift 200 kg until the end of the week…
Big goals steal your motivation.
But if you break up this goal into small ones
And we’ll be happy to achieve each…
Multiplying it by 10…
And dividing all failures by 10…
“of course, shit sometimes happens, but you remember how successful we were last month!”
In this scenario you are motivated and mentally healthy throughout the whole way which can take 1000 miles…
Affirmations are evil. Evil is not always evil
You know what the problem of motivations is? They only shadow that you are going down…
It’s the same as I start saying, “I’m young, fit and sporty…”
Guys, have you seen my photo?
There’s a different Vova Zakharov inside me …
When the first Vova Zakharov pronounces this affirmation, the second one dies laughing,
“Guy, f**k! When was the last time you looked in the mirror?”
“Don’t think negatively”.
Do you know how Richard Benson created his first multi-billion businesses?
Did he want to create something GREAT?
No. Frustration was the basis. That is, he just wanted something at first.
Or airlines didn’t work properly…
And out of big disappointment appeared Virgin Airlines.
(Unlike 90% of billionaires he doesn’t have a Wealth element in his Hour Pillar. That’s why he was motivated by the opposite)
And finally.
There should be
Key milestones on your way to the goal
In simple words, are you really going where you need?
How to measure it?
By money, time, seconds you run 100 metres in, you average bill, audience involvement, waist size, kilograms on the scales?
I’m not talking about the measurement of your achievements…
I’m talking about the measurements of your movement towards the goal.
When you need figures to know that you’re moving forward…
Not smoking psychological marihuana.
Do you remember my mistake?
It’s obvious that this method is not for everyone…
I didn’t use to understand it…
There are other sorts of people…
Who live intuitively…. based on inspiration, with guns blazing…
They are sure to be more energetic than me.
I can’t afford that.
…in fact, 99% of people look for HAPPINESS, not millions, just happiness and that’s it…
Or comfort, spirituality, “be relaxed” and other pleasant feelings, but not this delusional “peak performance” J
I perceive a lot by ear…
I listen to audio books, audio seminars –
In the car, plane, going home from the parking lot…
But most people prefer pictures.
They are easy to understand by the subconscious.
By using pictures you can form your future.
Feng Shui is responsible for the environment…
Ba-zi is in charge of time…
But there are Augean stables of our subconscious
If you keep telling that the rich are skunks…
All the men are goats…
And we are supposed to be poor, because people don’t have money (?)… –
You repel your future…
And neither Feng Shui nor Date Selection will help you until you reload your brain…
For example, address a Qi Men God + a necessary picture of your happy future
I have already written about it in this short article…
Reading will take 1 minute of your time
Map of Dream (Treasure)
Everything we are concentrated on is multiplied…
Everything we consume on three levels – head, heart, body – will become out world tomorrow. They are the seeds which will grow up…
Pictures are one of the ways to talk about it. Pictures can be understood by our subconscious.
Are you interested in this point of view on metaphysics?
Form your future.
This way of thinking is not for everybody. Feng Shui enthusiasts are more likely to work with the exterior than with the subconscious. But in my opinion, you can use this method to put pictures into your subconscious, and then finish with Qi Men gods and Feng Shui.
The truth is in the triangle:
- A Man with their own inner zoo of thoughts and emotions.
- Environment (Feng shui, though you may avoid using this term).
- Our actions (you still have to work in spite of having the best Feng Shui and properly tuned subconscious).
Take away one of these factors and metaphysics will be working much worse.